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Raspberry Pi Based Photo Booth

Raspberrypi based photo booth

Raspberrypi based photo booth


Photo booths are being used for fun and entertainment, with the selfie being popular, photo booths are getting popular at weddings, parties, and events. Photo booths are available for the events on a rental basis but they can cost you around 100-150$ per hour and a buying photo booth can cost you thousands of dollars. This Raspberry pi based photobooth will help you save some dollars. In this blog, we will make a raspberry pi based photo booth. Having known that, Many developers are working on this to build cheap and affordable photo Booth. I have made a Photo Booth which will cost you around 150$ to build and that is cheap if compare to the other photo booths in the market and also you can customize it.
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Install Dependencies

The First thing you will need is to boot raspberry pi and you can use noobs or you can install raspbian directly, After booting you will need to install few libraries and you can install them by opening the shell and writing, sudo apt-get updgrade sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install python-tk sudo pip install pillow sudo pip install picamera sudo pip install pycups After installing these libraries set up your printer by reading this. Then you can go to start menu > Preferences > Raspberrypi Configuration and then a window will appear to click on interfaces and make sure the camera is enabled. Reboot Pi.


CODE: Download the code by clicking here, And run it on python2 IDLE , you are good to go now .

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