5 cool projects you can do using Arduino

Featuring ELEGOO UNO Project Super Starter Kit

For beginners, even kids can do that.

Components required

Control LEDs using Joystick

1. Arduino 2. Joystick module 3. RGB LED 4. Resistors 5. Breadboad

control LEDs Tutorial

Components required

Scrolling advertisment on LCD

1. Arduino 2. LCD 3. Potentiometer 4. Jumper wires

Components required

Environmental monitoring

1. Arduino 2. LCD 3. Temperature & humidity sensor 4. Jumper wires 5. potentiometer

Components required

Cooling system

1. Arduino 2. Temperature & humidity sensor 3. Jumper wires 4. potentiometer 5. DC motor 6. Motor Driver

Components required

Make Your own TV, AC remote

1. Arduino 2. IR module 3. Jumper wires 4. potentiometer 5. Buttons 6. IR remote

All the components and many more are included in  ELEGOO UNO Project Super Starter Kit, Buy now by swiping up. :)