Get Started with IoT development using Hands-on ESP32 with Arduino IDE book

Get Started with IoT development using Hands-on ESP32 with Arduino IDE book
Get Started with IoT development using Hands-on ESP32 with Arduino IDE book

If you are excited to get started with IoT development but feeling overwhelmed by complex setups and coding languages? Look no further! My new book, Hands-on ESP32 with Arduino IDE, is designed to be your ultimate companion on this exciting journey.

Hands-on ESP32 with Arduino IDE book

Hands-on ESP32 with Arduibo IDE book
Hands-on ESP32 with Arduibo IDE book

This comprehensive book is written to make IoT development accessible to everyone, regardless of your technical background. By combining the power of the ESP32 microcontroller with the user-friendly Arduino IDE, you’ll discover how to build innovative IoT projects with ease.

In this blog post, I’ll provide a glimpse into what you can expect from the book and how it will equip you with the knowledge and skills to create your own IoT solutions. The book is avaialble at Amazon and Packt.

If you are familiar with basic IoT concepts and would like to deepen your IoT knowledge then you can read the  Architectural Patterns and Techniques for Developing IoT Solutions book by Jasbir Singh.

Hands-on ESP32 with Arduino IDE made it to the Best ESP32 Books of All Time

The best ESP32 books of all time

“Hands-on ESP32 with Arduino IDE: Unleash the power of IoT with ESP32 and build exciting projects with this practical guide”, made it to BookAuthority’s Best ESP32 Books of All Time.
BookAuthority collects and ranks the best books in the world, and it is a great honor to get this kind of recognition. Thank you for all your support!

Getting Familiar with ESP32 and get started with IoT development

Introduction to IoT and ESP32

Chapter 1 of the book “Hands-on ESP32 with Arduino IDE” introduces readers to the Internet of Things (IoT) and the ESP32 microcontroller. It begins by explaining the basic concept of IoT, its characteristics, architecture, and applications in various industries such as healthcare, agriculture, and smart homes. The book then shifts focus to the ESP32 microcontroller, outlining its capabilities as a powerful, low-cost option for IoT projects due to its built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity.

IoT architecture
IoT architecture

Then we compares the ESP32 with other microcontrollers like Raspberry Pi Zero, emphasizing the ESP32’s advantages in terms of price, power consumption, and connectivity options. Finally, it provides a step-by-step guide for setting up the Arduino IDE for ESP32 programming. This includes downloading the IDE, installing ESP32 board support, and running a “Hello World” example using an LED to illustrate the basics of ESP32 programming. This chapter also introduces the concept of simulating ESP32 projects using the Wokwi simulator for those who want to practice without physical hardware.

Connecting Sensors and Actuators

Chapter 2 of “Hands-on ESP32 with Arduino IDE” focuses on connecting sensors and actuators using the ESP32. Sensors and actuators are essential for IoT applications, enabling interaction with the physical world. The chapter starts by introducing the ESP32’s General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pins, which can be configured as either input or output for connecting various devices.

The book then explores different communication protocols for interfacing sensors and actuators: UART, SPI, and I2C. UART is a simple protocol for serial communication, while SPI offers higher speeds and is suitable for peripherals like TFT displays and SD card modules. I2C, on the other hand, uses a master-slave architecture and is commonly used with devices like RTC modules, OLED displays, and sensors.

Connecting Sensors and Actuators with ESP32
Connecting Sensors and Actuators with ESP32

The chapter provides practical examples for each protocol. It demonstrates UART communication between two ESP32s, uses an I2C RTC module to display time, and interfaces a SPI RFID reader to showcase data exchange. The book emphasizes that understanding these protocols is crucial for selecting the appropriate one based on the specific requirements of an IoT project.

Interfacing Cameras and Displays

Chapter 3 of “Hands-on ESP32 with Arduino IDE” explores interfacing cameras and displays with the ESP32 microcontroller. The chapter begins by explaining the role of cameras and displays in IoT projects, highlighting their ability to capture and present visual information, thereby enhancing user interaction.

The book then focuses on the ESP32 camera module (ESP32-CAM), providing a detailed guide on using it with the Arduino IDE. This includes connecting the ESP32-CAM to a computer using an FTDI module and programming it to capture images, specifically in response to motion detection using a PIR motion sensor.

The chapter then shifts its focus to various display types, including 16×2 LCD, OLED, TFT, and e-paper displays. For each display, the book provides guidance on interfacing them with the ESP32 using either I2C or SPI communication protocols. The book also presents practical examples for each display type, demonstrating how to display text, graphics, and even create interactive menus using a TFT touchscreen.

Connecting diplays and cameras with ESP32
Connecting diplays and cameras with ESP32

Finally, the chapter concludes by comparing the features of these different displays, considering factors like resolution, color support, power consumption, and cost, to help readers choose the most appropriate display for their specific IoT project requirements.

IoT Protocols and ESP32

Implementing IoT Network-Based Protocols

Network protocols are crucial in IoT because they allow devices to communicate with each other and the internet. Chapter 4 of the book focuses on implementing these protocols with the ESP32 microcontroller.

The book explain how Wi-Fi enables high-speed internet access and local network communication, making it suitable for applications requiring data-intensive operations. Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), on the other hand, is optimized for low-power, short-range communication, making it ideal for applications such as wearables and beacons.45

Cellular communication, using technologies like 4G/LTE and NB-IoT, allows the ESP32 to connect to the internet in areas without Wi-Fi, expanding the geographical reach of IoT applications.6 LoRaWAN is a low-power, long-range protocol designed for connecting battery-operated devices over vast distances, making it suitable for use cases such as smart cities and agriculture.

Choosing the Right IoT Data-Based Protocols

Data protocols are the backbone of IoT applications, as they define how data is exchanged between devices and servers. Chapter 5 of the book explores data protocols in detail, focusing on HTTP, MQTT, and webhooks.

HTTP, commonly used in web browsing, follows a request-response model, making it suitable for retrieving data or triggering actions. The book provide examples of using ESP32 as both an HTTP server and client, including fetching weather data and configuring Wi-Fi.

Open weather API, ESP32 and HTTP
Open weather API, ESP32 and HTTP

MQTT, on the other hand, uses a publish-subscribe model, enabling real-time data exchange in IoT applications. The book explain how ESP32 can publish sensor data and subscribe to control commands using MQTT.

MQTT and ESP32
MQTT and ESP32

Webhooks provide a way to send real-time notifications to other services when specific events occur. The book illustrate their use in sending alerts upon button presses.

In essence, the choice of data protocol depends on the specific requirements of the IoT application. HTTP is suitable for request-response scenarios, MQTT for real-time data streaming, and webhooks for event-driven notifications

Practical Implementation

Smart Plant Monitoring System

The project highlighted in Chapter 6 of the book, the Smart Plant Monitoring System, strives to improve plant care using an ESP32 microcontroller and various sensors to monitor environmental conditions and send updates to the user. The system uses a capacitive soil moisture sensor to measure water content and a DHT22 sensor to track temperature and humidity. Based on the sensor readings, the system sends alerts and updates through:

Email: The system utilizes SMTP to send email notifications to the user’s Gmail account.

Messaging Apps: Real-time alerts can be sent through WhatsApp and Telegram using the CallMeBot API.

Twitter: The Twitter API enables the system to publish tweets about the plant’s status.

Smart Plant Monitoring System using ESP32 and social media
Smart Plant Monitoring System using ESP32 and social media

This multifaceted approach ensures users receive timely information about their plant’s health through different communication channels. The book provide detailed instructions on setting up the hardware, software, and necessary APIs, enabling users to create their own smart plant monitoring system.

Rent Out Your Parking Space

Chapter 7 of the book introduces a practical project: a prototype system for renting out a parking space, leveraging an ESP32 microcontroller and the PayPal API. This project targets parking space owners looking to generate income and individuals seeking convenient parking.

The system uses an ultrasonic sensor to monitor the parking space’s availability, detecting the presence or absence of a vehicle. Upon a car entering and the space becoming occupied, a QR code displayed on an OLED screen allows users to make payments via PayPal. The integration of the PayPal API enables secure transactions and sends payment notifications to the system.

Rent Out Your Parking Space using ESP32 and paypal
Rent Out Your Parking Space using ESP32 and paypal

A significant challenge lies in transitioning this prototype to a real-world application. The book acknowledge the limitations of using a Servo motor for a barrier gate, recommending a dedicated parking barrier system for practical implementation. Security concerns regarding payment processing and user authentication are also highlighted as areas for improvement.

Logging, Monitoring, and Controlling

Chapter 8 of the book focuses on a home automation and monitoring system using an ESP32 microcontroller. The project emphasizes the significance of data logging and visualization for understanding and managing a home environment effectively.

The book explain that data logging is crucial for capturing real-time and historical data from various sensors placed throughout a house, such as temperature, humidity, motion, and light sensors. This data is then sent to InfluxDB, a time-series database well-suited for handling time-stamped data from IoT devices.

home automation and monitoring system using an ESP32 microcontroller
Home automation and monitoring system using an ESP32 , InfluxDB and Grafana

The book further highlight that InfluxDB works in conjunction with Grafana, a visualization tool that transforms the logged data into interactive dashboards, graphs, and alerts. These visualizations provide homeowners with insights into their home’s environment, enabling them to identify trends, detect anomalies, and make informed decisions.

Moreover, Chapter 8 underscores the role of MQTT in establishing a control system within the project. It details how an MQTT-based system allows users to remotely control a servo motor simulating a door lock. This feature showcases how integrating MQTT enhances security and convenience by enabling remote access control.


This practical guide empowers readers to build exciting IoT projects using the ESP32 microcontroller and Arduino IDE. The book provide a comprehensive understanding of ESP32’s capabilities, interfacing with various sensors and displays, and utilizing network and data protocols like Wi-Fi, BLE, HTTP, and MQTT. Three practical projects, including a smart plant monitoring system and a parking space rental system, offer hands-on experience in building real-world applications.

Aimed at electronics enthusiasts, hobbyists, and professionals, the book caters to both beginners and those with prior programming experience. It equips readers with the knowledge and skills to develop innovative IoT solutions.

Readers are encouraged to purchase this book to unlock the full potential of ESP32 for their next IoT project! The book is avaialble at Amazon and Packt.

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