Combination locks have been there for decades and many products such as a briefcase, doors are protected by them. There is keypad module for Arduino that can help us to set combination password for various things, you may also use RFID cards to provide access and in this tutorial, I am going to explain how you can make push-button combination lock.
The project will help us to set combination password and you can set a password by using 1-6 digits, When you will push the buttons, and the combination is matched the green LED will be turned on and if the combination is not matched the Red LED will indicate that the password is wrong.
Hardware Required
- Arduino Uno
- Push Buttons x 6
- Red Leds x 7
- Green Leds x 1
- Jumper wires
- Breadboard
Interfacing of push buttons
The push buttons can be interfaced by Arduino using pull-down configuration i.e. button will give 5V when pressed and 0V when released and pull up configuration i.e. when the button is pressed it will give 0V and when released it will give 5V. We are using pull up configuration and we are not using any external resistor instead we are using Arduino internal pull-up resistor.

change combination lock password
You can change combination password from Arduino code, open the code and find the following line,
int code[] = {6,5,5,4,3,2};
and change the sequence, for now, you will have to press 6th button followed by 5, again 5, 4, 3 and then 2 and your Green LED should be on.
Make circuit and code
The Circuit diagram and code can be found below, make circuit open Arduino IDE and don’t forget to select port and board and upload the code.

const int button1 = 2; //first button is on pin 8 const int button2 = 3; //second is on pin 9 const int button3 = 4; //third is pin 10 const int button4 = 5; //fourth is pin 11 const int button5 = 6; //third is pin 10 const int button6 = 7; //fourth is pin 11 const int LED[] = {14,15,16,17,18,19}; const int Red = 8; //red LED is on pin 4 const int greenLed = 9; //green LED is pin 12 void checkEntered1(int button); int code[] = {6,5,5,4,3,2}; //the desired code is entered in this array, //separated by commas int entered[7]; //create a new empty array for the code entered by //the user (has 4 elements) void setup(){ //run once at sketch startup Serial.begin(9600); //begin Serial pinMode(button1, INPUT_PULLUP); //button 1 is an input pinMode(button2, INPUT_PULLUP); //button 2 is an input pinMode(button3, INPUT_PULLUP); //button 3 is an input pinMode(button4, INPUT_PULLUP); //button 4 is an input pinMode(button5, INPUT_PULLUP); //button 3 is an input pinMode(button6, INPUT_PULLUP); //button 4 is an input pinMode(Red, OUTPUT); //the red LED is an output pinMode(greenLed, OUTPUT); // the green LED is an output // setupLights(); //run the setupLights routine // setupLights(); //run it again // delay(650); //delay (only for effect, :P not needed) digitalWrite(Red, LOW); //turn the red LED on for (int i = 0; i < 6;i++){ //work through numbers 0-3 Serial.println(code[i]); //print each digit of the code Serial.println(entered[i]); //print each element of the entered[] //array (this was for me to check that it //started at 0 pinMode(LED[i],OUTPUT); } } void loop(){ //run repeatedly if (digitalRead(button1) == LOW){ //if button1 is pressed checkEntered1(1); //call checkEntered and pass it a 1 delay(250);//wait, needed for correct functioning, otherwise //buttons are deemed to be pressed more than once } else if (digitalRead(button2) == LOW){ //if button2 is pressed checkEntered1(2); //call checkEntered1 and pass it a 2 delay(250); //wait } else if (digitalRead(button3) == LOW){ //if button3 is pressed checkEntered1(3); //call checkEntered1 and pass it a 3 delay(250); //wait } else if (digitalRead(button4) == LOW){ //if button4 is pressed checkEntered1(4); //call checkEntered1 and pass it a 4 delay(250); //wait } else if (digitalRead(button5) == LOW){ //if button4 is pressed checkEntered1(5); //call checkEntered1 and pass it a 4 delay(250); //wait } else if (digitalRead(button6) == LOW){ //if button4 is pressed checkEntered1(6); //call checkEntered1 and pass it a 4 delay(250); //wait } } void checkEntered1(int button){ //check the first element of the entered[] array digitalWrite(LED[button-1],HIGH); if (entered[0] != 0){ //if it is not a zero, i.e. it has already been inputted checkEntered2(button); //move on to checkEntered2, passing it "button" } else if(entered[0] == 0){ //if it is zero, i.e. if it hasn't been defined with a button yet entered[0] = button; //set the first element as the button that has been pressed Serial.print("1: ");Serial.println(entered[0]); //for debugging } } void checkEntered2(int button){ //check the second element of the entered[] array digitalWrite(LED[button-1],HIGH); if (entered[1] != 0){ //if it is not a zero, i.e. it has already been inputted checkEntered3(button); //move on to checkEntered3, passing it "button" } else if(entered[1] == 0){ //if it is zero, i.e. if it hasn't been defined with a button yet entered[1] = button; //set the second element as the button that has been pressed Serial.print("2: ");Serial.println(entered[1]); //for debugging } } void checkEntered3(int button){ //check the third element of the entered[] array digitalWrite(LED[button-1],HIGH); if (entered[2] != 0){ //if it is not a zero, i.e. it has already been inputted checkEntered4(button); //move on to checkEntered4, passing it "button" } else if (entered[2] == 0){ //if it is zero, i.e. if it hasn't been defined with a button yet entered[2] = button; //set the third element as the button that has been pressed Serial.print("3: ");Serial.println(entered[2]); //for debugging } } void checkEntered4(int button){ //check the third element of the entered[] array digitalWrite(LED[button-1],HIGH); if (entered[3] != 0){ //if it is not a zero, i.e. it has already been inputted checkEntered5(button); //move on to checkEntered4, passing it "button" } else if (entered[3] == 0){ //if it is zero, i.e. if it hasn't been defined with a button yet entered[3] = button; //set the third element as the button that has been pressed Serial.print("4: ");Serial.println(entered[3]); //for debugging } } void checkEntered5(int button){ //check the third element of the entered[] array digitalWrite(LED[button-1],HIGH); if (entered[4] != 0){ //if it is not a zero, i.e. it has already been inputted checkEntered6(button); //move on to checkEntered4, passing it "button" } else if (entered[4] == 0){ //if it is zero, i.e. if it hasn't been defined with a button yet entered[4] = button; //set the third element as the button that has been pressed Serial.print("5: ");Serial.println(entered[4]); //for debugging } } void checkEntered6(int button){ //check the fourth element of the entered[] array digitalWrite(LED[button-1],HIGH); if (entered[5] == 0){ //if it is zero, i.e. if it hasn't been defined with a button yet entered[5] = button; //set the final element as the button that has been pressed Serial.print("6: ");Serial.println(entered[5]); //for debugging delay(100); //allow time for processing compareCode(); //call the compareCode function } } void compareCode(){ //checks if the code entered is correct by comparing the code[] array with the entered[] array for (int i = 0; i<6;i++){ //these three lines are for debugging Serial.println(entered[i]); } if ((entered[0]==code[0]) && (entered[1]==code[1]) && (entered[2]==code[2]) && (entered[3]==code[3]) && (entered[4]==code[4])&& (entered[5]==code[5])){ //if all the elements of each array are equal digitalWrite(Red, LOW); // turn the red LED off digitalWrite(greenLed, HIGH); //turn the green LED on delay(1000); //wait for a bit digitalWrite(greenLed, LOW); //turn the green LED off for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++){ //this next loop is for debugging entered[i] = 0; } loop(); //return to loop() (not really necessary) } else { //if you (or the intruder) get the code wrong digitalWrite(Red,HIGH); delay(1000); digitalWrite(Red,LOW); Serial.println("Red OFF"); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++){ //this next loop is for debugging entered[i] = 0; } } close_all(); } void close_all(){ digitalWrite(LED[0],LOW); digitalWrite(LED[1],LOW); digitalWrite(LED[2],LOW); digitalWrite(LED[3],LOW); digitalWrite(LED[4],LOW); digitalWrite(LED[5],LOW); }
SO that way you can use Arduino and push buttons as combination lock you can use that to secure your door or any other thing. Subscribing us will help you to keep updated with the latest such projects.
SO that way you can use Arduino and push buttons as combination lock you can use that to secure your door or any other thing. If you are interested in such projects please subscribe us and that would be beneficial for you.
if you need any help in this project you can contact us.
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What if I only need a 4-digit code?
Also there should be a timer – if someone doesnt press a button in 3 seconds, it resets. Right now you have it left indefinitely.