IoT protocols | Best 8 in the list

IoT protocols
IoT protocols

IoT protocols are the set of rules and standards that govern the communication between different devices on the internet of things (IoT) network. These protocols define the way in which devices connect, communicate, and exchange data with each other. Some common examples of IoT protocols include TCP/IP, HTTP, MQTT, CoAP, and ZigBee. These protocols play a crucial role in enabling IoT devices to communicate with each other and with other networks, such as the internet.

Top #8 IoT protocols


MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is a lightweight messaging protocol for IoT devices. It is designed to be low-overhead and easy to implement, making it well-suited for use on resource-constrained devices such as sensors, actuators, and other types of IoT devices.

The MQTT protocol uses a publish-subscribe model for communication, which means that devices can publish messages on a specific topic, and other devices can subscribe to that topic to receive the messages. This allows for efficient communication between devices, as devices only receive messages that they are interested in.

MQTT uses a server known as a “broker” to manage communication between devices. The broker receives published messages and routes them to the appropriate subscribers. The devices connect to the broker and can both publish and subscribe to messages.

One of the key features of MQTT is that it is a “lightweight” protocol, which means that it uses minimal network bandwidth and battery power. This makes it well-suited for use on low-power devices that may have limited resources. Additionally, MQTT has built-in support for security, allowing for secure communication between devices.

Overall, MQTT is a popular protocol for IoT devices due to its simplicity, efficiency, and support for security. It is widely used in a variety of IoT applications, including smart homes, industrial automation, and remote monitoring.

MQTT Key Features:

Here are some key features of the MQTT IoT protocol:

  1. Publish-subscribe model: MQTT uses a publish-subscribe model for communication, allowing devices to publish messages on specific topics and other devices to subscribe to those topics to receive the messages.
  2. Broker-based architecture: MQTT uses a server known as a “broker” to manage communication between devices. The broker receives published messages and routes them to the appropriate subscribers.
  3. Lightweight: MQTT is designed to be a lightweight protocol, using minimal network bandwidth and battery power, making it well-suited for use on low-power devices.
  4. Security: MQTT has built-in support for security, allowing for secure communication between devices.
  5. Ease of implementation: MQTT is designed to be easy to implement, making it a popular choice for IoT applications.
  6. Widely supported: MQTT is a widely used and well-established protocol, with support from a large community of developers and vendors.

MQTT Applications:

MQTT is a popular protocol for IoT applications due to its simplicity, efficiency, and support for security. Some common applications of MQTT include:

  1. Smart homes: MQTT is often used in smart home applications to enable communication between different devices such as lights, thermostats, and security cameras.
  2. Industrial automation: MQTT is commonly used in industrial automation applications to enable communication between sensors, actuators, and other types of industrial equipment.
  3. Remote monitoring: MQTT is frequently used in remote monitoring applications, such as in the energy and utilities industries, to enable real-time monitoring of equipment and infrastructure.
  4. Transportation: MQTT is also used in transportation applications, such as in connected cars, to enable communication between different vehicle systems and with external networks.
  5. Healthcare: MQTT is often used in healthcare applications, such as in telemedicine and remote patient monitoring, to enable communication between medical devices and other systems.

Overall, MQTT is a versatile protocol that is widely used in a variety of IoT applications.


TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is a suite of communication protocols that is commonly used on the internet and on many other networks. It is the foundation of the internet and is the most widely used protocol for communication on the internet.

The TCP/IP protocol suite consists of a set of protocols that define the way in which data is transmitted over a network. It includes the two main protocols, TCP and IP, as well as several other supporting protocols.

The IP (Internet Protocol) is the main protocol in the TCP/IP suite. It is responsible for routing packets of data from one device to another on a network. The IP protocol uses IP addresses to identify devices on a network and to route data to the correct destination.

The TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is the other main protocol in the TCP/IP suite. It is responsible for establishing and maintaining connections between devices, and for ensuring that data is delivered reliably and in the correct order. TCP provides error-checking and flow control to ensure that data is transmitted correctly and efficiently.

Together, the TCP and IP protocols provide a reliable and efficient way to transmit data over a network. They are the core protocols of the internet, and are used by almost all devices that connect to the internet, including computers, smartphones, and IoT devices.

In the context of the internet of things (IoT), TCP/IP is commonly used to enable communication between different IoT devices and networks. It provides a standard way for IoT devices to connect to the internet and to communicate with each other, allowing for the creation of large and complex IoT networks. Overall, TCP/IP is an essential protocol for the operation of the internet and for communication on networks, including IoT networks.

TCP/IP key Features

Here are some key features of the TCP/IP IoT protocol:

  1. Routing: The IP protocol is responsible for routing packets of data from one device to another on a network. This allows for communication between devices on different networks.
  2. Connection-oriented: The TCP protocol establishes and maintains connections between devices, allowing for reliable communication.
  3. Error-checking: TCP provides error-checking to ensure that data is transmitted correctly and without errors.
  4. Flow control: TCP also provides flow control to ensure that data is transmitted efficiently and without overloading the network.
  5. Standardization: TCP/IP is a widely-used and well-established protocol, with a standardized set of rules and standards that are used by almost all devices on the internet.
  6. Scalability: TCP/IP is a scalable protocol that can be used on networks of any size, from small local networks to the global internet.

Overall, these features make TCP/IP an essential protocol for the operation of the internet and for communication on networks, including IoT networks.

TCP/IP Applications

TCP/IP is the most widely used protocol for communication on the internet and is the foundation of the internet itself. Some common applications of TCP/IP include:

  1. Web browsing: TCP/IP is used to transmit the data that makes up web pages, allowing users to browse the internet using a web browser.
  2. Email: TCP/IP is used to transmit the data that makes up email messages, allowing users to send and receive emails.
  3. File transfer: TCP/IP is used to transfer files between devices on a network, such as when using a file-sharing service.
  4. Networking: TCP/IP is used to connect devices on a local network, such as in a home or office, allowing them to communicate with each other.
  5. Internet of things (IoT): TCP/IP is commonly used to enable communication between different IoT devices and networks, allowing for the creation of large and complex IoT networks.

Overall, TCP/IP is an essential protocol that is used in a wide variety of applications on the internet and on other networks.


HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is a widely-used communication protocol for the World Wide Web. It is the protocol that is used to transmit the data that makes up web pages, allowing users to browse the internet using a web browser. HTTP is a key component of the internet and is used by almost all web-based applications.

In the context of the internet of things (IoT), HTTP is often used to enable communication between different devices and systems. IoT devices can use HTTP to connect to the internet and to communicate with other devices and systems. For example, an IoT device such as a smart thermostat might use HTTP to connect to a web-based service that allows the user to control the thermostat remotely.

One of the key features of HTTP is that it is a “stateless” protocol, which means that each request is treated independently and there is no information shared between requests. This makes HTTP well-suited for applications that need to handle a large number of requests, as it allows the server to process each request independently without having to maintain state information.

Overall, HTTP is a widely-used and well-established protocol that is an essential component of the internet. It is commonly used in IoT applications to enable communication between different devices and systems.

HTTP Key Features

Here are some key features of HTTP:

  1. Stateless: HTTP is a stateless protocol, which means that each request is treated independently and there is no information shared between requests.
  2. Widely supported: HTTP is a widely-used and well-established protocol, with support from a large community of developers and vendors.
  3. Ease of implementation: HTTP is a simple protocol that is easy to implement, making it a popular choice for web-based applications.
  4. Scalability: HTTP is a scalable protocol that can handle a large number of requests, making it well-suited for use in applications that need to handle high volumes of traffic.
  5. Extensibility: HTTP is an extensible protocol, with a well-defined framework for adding new features and functionality.
  6. Security: HTTP has built-in support for security, allowing for secure communication between devices.

Overall, these features make HTTP a versatile and widely-used IoT protocol for communication on the internet and in IoT applications.

HTTP Applications

HTTP is a widely-used protocol for communication on the internet and is commonly used in IoT applications. Some common applications of HTTP in the context of IoT include:

  1. Web-based user interfaces: Many IoT devices, such as smart thermostats and security cameras, have web-based user interfaces that allow users to control and monitor the devices remotely. These interfaces use HTTP to transmit the data that makes up the user interface, allowing users to interact with the device via a web browser.
  2. Data transfer: HTTP is often used to transfer data between IoT devices and other systems, such as cloud-based services. For example, an IoT device might use HTTP to send sensor readings to a cloud-based service for storage and analysis.
  3. API integration: HTTP is commonly used to enable integration between different IoT devices and systems. For example, an IoT device might use HTTP to connect to a third-party API to access additional functionality or data.

Overall, HTTP is a versatile protocol that is widely used in IoT applications for communication and data transfer.


CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol) is a lightweight messaging IoT protocol for IoT devices. It is designed to be low-overhead and easy to implement, making it well-suited for use on resource-constrained devices such as sensors, actuators, and other types of IoT devices.

CoAP is based on the HTTP protocol and is designed to be used in situations where HTTP is not feasible, such as on low-power devices with limited resources. Like HTTP, CoAP uses a request-response model for communication, but it is designed to be more efficient and to use less network bandwidth and battery power.

CoAP uses a server known as a “CoAP endpoint” to manage communication between devices. The endpoint receives requests from devices and routes them to the appropriate destination. Devices can both send requests and act as endpoints, allowing for two-way communication between devices.

One of the key features of CoAP is that it is “constrained,” which means that it is designed to be efficient and to use minimal resources. This makes it well-suited for use on resource-constrained devices, such as those found in IoT networks. Additionally, CoAP has built-in support for security, allowing for secure communication between devices.

Overall, CoAP is a popular protocol for IoT devices due to its efficiency and support for security. It is widely used in a variety of IoT applications, including smart homes, industrial automation, and remote monitoring.

CoAP key features

Here are some key features of the CoAP IoT protocol:

  1. Request-response model: CoAP uses a request-response model for communication, allowing devices to send requests and receive responses.
  2. Endpoint-based architecture: CoAP uses a server known as a “CoAP endpoint” to manage communication between devices. The endpoint receives requests from devices and routes them to the appropriate destination.
  3. Constrained: CoAP is designed to be a “constrained” protocol, which means that it is efficient and uses minimal resources. This makes it well-suited for use on resource-constrained devices.
  4. Security: CoAP has built-in support for security, allowing for secure communication between devices.
  5. Ease of implementation: CoAP is designed to be easy to implement, making it a popular choice for IoT applications.
  6. Widely supported: CoAP is a widely used and well-established IoT protocol, with support from a large community of developers and vendors.

CoAp Applications

CoAP is a popular protocol for IoT applications due to its efficiency and support for security. Some common applications of CoAP include:

  1. Smart homes: CoAP is often used in smart home applications to enable communication between different devices such as lights, thermostats, and security cameras.
  2. Industrial automation: CoAP is commonly used in industrial automation applications to enable communication between sensors, actuators, and other types of industrial equipment.
  3. Remote monitoring: CoAP is frequently used in remote monitoring applications, such as in the energy and utilities industries, to enable real-time monitoring of equipment and infrastructure.
  4. Transportation: CoAP is also used in transportation applications, such as in connected cars, to enable communication between different vehicle systems and with external networks.
  5. Healthcare: CoAP is often used in healthcare applications, such as in telemedicine and remote patient monitoring, to enable communication between medical devices and other systems.

Overall, CoAP is a versatile protocol that is widely used in a variety of IoT applications.


ZigBee is a wireless communication protocol that is commonly used in IoT (Internet of Things) applications. It is designed to be low-power and low-cost, making it well-suited for use on resource-constrained devices such as sensors, actuators, and other types of IoT devices.

ZigBee uses a mesh networking architecture, which means that devices can communicate with each other directly, without the need for a central server or router. This allows for the creation of large and complex networks of devices that can communicate with each other, even if some devices are out of range of a central router.

One of the key features of ZigBee is its low-power consumption. The protocol is designed to use minimal amounts of power, which makes it well-suited for use on devices that have limited battery life or that are powered by energy-harvesting methods. Additionally, ZigBee has built-in support for security, allowing for secure communication between devices.

Overall, ZigBee is a popular protocol for IoT applications due to its low-power consumption and support for mesh networking. It is widely used in a variety of IoT applications, including smart homes, industrial automation, and remote monitoring.

Zigbee key features

Here are some key features of the ZigBee IoT protocol:

  1. Mesh networking: ZigBee uses a mesh networking architecture, which allows devices to communicate directly with each other, without the need for a central server or router.
  2. Low-power: ZigBee is designed to be low-power, making it well-suited for use on devices with limited battery life or that are powered by energy-harvesting methods.
  3. Security: ZigBee has built-in support for security, allowing for secure communication between devices.
  4. Ease of implementation: ZigBee is designed to be easy to implement, making it a popular choice for IoT applications.
  5. Scalability: ZigBee is a scalable protocol that can be used on networks of any size, from small local networks to large-scale IoT networks.
  6. Widely supported: ZigBee is a widely used and well-established protocol, with support from a large community of developers and vendors.

Zigbee Applications

ZigBee is a popular protocol for IoT applications due to its low-power consumption and support for mesh networking. Some common applications of ZigBee include:

  1. Smart homes: ZigBee is often used in smart home applications to enable communication between different devices such as lights, thermostats, and security cameras.
  2. Industrial automation: ZigBee is commonly used in industrial automation applications to enable communication between sensors, actuators, and other types of industrial equipment.
  3. Remote monitoring: ZigBee is frequently used in remote monitoring applications, such as in the energy and utilities industries, to enable real-time monitoring of equipment and infrastructure.
  4. Transportation: ZigBee is also used in transportation applications, such as in connected cars, to enable communication between different vehicle systems and with external networks.
  5. Healthcare: ZigBee is often used in healthcare applications, such as in telemedicine and remote patient monitoring, to enable communication between medical devices and other systems.

Overall, ZigBee is a versatile protocol that is widely used in a variety of IoT applications.


LWM2M (Lightweight M2M) is a communication protocol that is used in IoT (Internet of Things) applications. It is designed for use in M2M (machine-to-machine) communication, allowing devices to communicate with each other and with other systems.

LWM2M is a lightweight protocol that is designed to be efficient and to use minimal network bandwidth and battery power. It is based on the CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol) and uses a request-response model for communication.

One of the key features of LWM2M is its support for device management. LWM2M includes a set of standardized commands and procedures that allow for the remote management of IoT devices. This includes functions such as device registration, firmware updates, and configuration management.

LWM2M also has built-in support for security, allowing for secure communication between devices. Additionally, LWM2M is an open standard that is managed by the Open Mobile Alliance, which ensures interoperability between different LWM2M implementations.

Overall, LWM2M is a popular IoT protocol for IoT applications due to its support for device management and its efficiency. It is widely used in a variety of IoT applications, including smart homes, industrial automation, and remote monitoring.

LWM2M key features

Here are some key features of the LWM2M IoT protocol:

  1. Request-response model: LWM2M uses a request-response model for communication, allowing devices to send requests and receive responses.
  2. Device management: LWM2M includes a set of standardized commands and procedures that allow for the remote management of IoT devices, including functions such as device registration, firmware updates, and configuration management.
  3. Security: LWM2M has built-in support for security, allowing for secure communication between devices.
  4. Efficient: LWM2M is a lightweight protocol that is designed to be efficient and to use minimal network bandwidth and battery power.
  5. Open standard: LWM2M is an open standard that is managed by the Open Mobile Alliance, which ensures interoperability between different LWM2M implementations.
  6. Widely supported: LWM2M is a widely used and well-established protocol, with support from a large community of developers and vendors.

LWM2M Applications

LWM2M is a popular protocol for IoT applications due to its support for device management and its efficiency. Some common applications of LWM2M include:

  1. Smart homes: LWM2M is often used in smart home applications to enable communication between different devices such as lights, thermostats, and security cameras.
  2. Industrial automation: LWM2M is commonly used in industrial automation applications to enable communication between sensors, actuators, and other types of industrial equipment.
  3. Remote monitoring: LWM2M is frequently used in remote monitoring applications, such as in the energy and utilities industries, to enable real-time monitoring of equipment and infrastructure.
  4. Transportation: LWM2M is also used in transportation applications, such as in connected cars, to enable communication between different vehicle systems and with external networks.
  5. Healthcare: LWM2M is often used in healthcare applications, such as in telemedicine and remote patient monitoring, to enable communication between medical devices and other systems.

Overall, LWM2M is a versatile protocol that is widely used in a variety of IoT applications.


AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) is a communication protocol that is used for message-oriented middleware. It is designed for high-performance and high-reliability communication, allowing for the exchange of messages between different systems and applications.

AMQP is an open standard that is managed by the AMQP Working Group. It is a binary protocol that is designed to be efficient and to use minimal network bandwidth and CPU resources. AMQP uses a publish-subscribe model for communication, allowing for the asynchronous exchange of messages between systems.

One of the key features of AMQP is its support for message routing and delivery. AMQP includes a set of standardized commands and procedures that allow for the reliable routing and delivery of messages, even in complex and dynamic environments.

AMQP also has built-in support for security, allowing for secure communication between systems. Additionally, AMQP is an extensible protocol, with a well-defined framework for adding new features and functionality.

Overall, AMQP is a popular protocol for message-oriented middleware due to its support for message routing and delivery and its efficiency. It is widely used in a variety of applications, including financial services, supply chain management, and IoT (Internet of Things).

AMQP key Features

Here are some key features of the AMQP IoT protocol:

  1. Publish-subscribe model: AMQP uses a publish-subscribe model for communication, allowing for the asynchronous exchange of messages between systems.
  2. Message routing and delivery: AMQP includes a set of standardized commands and procedures that allow for the reliable routing and delivery of messages, even in complex and dynamic environments.
  3. Security: AMQP has built-in support for security, allowing for secure communication between systems.
  4. Efficiency: AMQP is a binary protocol that is designed to be efficient and to use minimal network bandwidth and CPU resources.
  5. Open standard: AMQP is an open standard that is managed by the AMQP Working Group, ensuring interoperability between different AMQP implementations.
  6. Extensibility: AMQP is an extensible protocol, with a well-defined framework for adding new features and functionality.

AMQP Applications

AMQP is a popular protocol for message-oriented middleware due to its support for message routing and delivery and its efficiency. Some common applications of AMQP include:

  1. Financial services: AMQP is often used in financial services applications to enable the reliable and secure exchange of messages between different systems, such as trading systems and settlement systems.
  2. Supply chain management: AMQP is commonly used in supply chain management applications to enable the exchange of messages between different systems, such as inventory management systems and transportation systems.
  3. IoT (Internet of Things): AMQP is frequently used in IoT applications to enable the exchange of messages between different devices and systems.
  4. e-commerce: AMQP is also used in e-commerce applications, such as online marketplaces, to enable the exchange of messages between different systems, such as order management systems and fulfillment systems.
  5. Telecommunications: AMQP is often used in telecommunications applications, such as in messaging systems and call centers, to enable the reliable and efficient exchange of messages.

Overall, AMQP is a versatile protocol that is widely used in a variety of applications.


MQTT-SN (MQTT for Sensor Networks) is a communication protocol that is used in IoT (Internet of Things) applications. It is a variant of the MQTT (MQ Telemetry Transport) protocol and is designed for use in wireless sensor networks, where devices have limited resources such as battery power and network bandwidth.

MQTT-SN is a binary protocol that is designed to be efficient and to use minimal network bandwidth and battery power. It is based on the MQTT protocol and uses a publish-subscribe model for communication, allowing for the asynchronous exchange of messages between devices.

One of the key features of MQTT-SN is its support for gateway nodes. MQTT-SN includes a set of standardized commands and procedures that allow for the use of gateway nodes, which act as intermediaries between the wireless sensor network and other networks, such as the internet.

MQTT-SN also has built-in support for security, allowing for secure communication between devices. Additionally, MQTT-SN is an open standard that is managed by the OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) MQTT Technical Committee, which ensures interoperability between different MQTT-SN implementations.

Overall, MQTT-SN is a popular protocol for IoT applications in wireless sensor networks due to its support for gateway nodes and its efficiency. It is widely used in a variety of IoT applications, including smart homes, industrial automation, and remote monitoring.

MQTT-SN Key Features

Here are some key features of the MQTT-SN IoT protocol:

  1. Publish-subscribe model: MQTT-SN uses a publish-subscribe model for communication, allowing for the asynchronous exchange of messages between devices.
  2. Gateway nodes: MQTT-SN includes a set of standardized commands and procedures that allow for the use of gateway nodes, which act as intermediaries between the wireless sensor network and other networks.
  3. Security: MQTT-SN has built-in support for security, allowing for secure communication between devices.
  4. Efficient: MQTT-SN is a binary protocol that is designed to be efficient and to use minimal network bandwidth and battery power.
  5. Open standard: MQTT-SN is an open standard that is managed by the OASIS MQTT Technical Committee, ensuring interoperability between different MQTT-SN implementations.
  6. Extensibility: MQTT-SN is based on the MQTT protocol and shares its extensibility, with a well-defined framework for adding new features and functionality.

MQTT-SN Applications

MQTT-SN is a popular IoT protocol for IoT applications in wireless sensor networks due to its support for gateway nodes and its efficiency. Some common applications of MQTT-SN include:

  1. Smart homes: MQTT-SN is often used in smart home applications to enable communication between different devices such as lights, thermostats, and security cameras.
  2. Industrial automation: MQTT-SN is commonly used in industrial automation applications to enable communication between sensors, actuators, and other types of industrial equipment.
  3. Remote monitoring: MQTT-SN is frequently used in remote monitoring applications, such as in the energy and utilities industries, to enable real-time monitoring of equipment and infrastructure.
  4. Transportation: MQTT-SN is also used in transportation applications, such as in connected cars, to enable communication between different vehicle systems and with external networks.
  5. Healthcare: MQTT-SN is often used in healthcare applications, such as in telemedicine and remote patient monitoring, to enable communication between medical devices and other systems.

Overall, MQTT-SN is a versatile protocol that is widely used in a variety of IoT applications in wireless sensor networks.

Comparison of IoT protocols

ProtocolDescriptionUse Case
MQTTA lightweight publish-subscribe protocol that is commonly used in IoT devices due to its low overhead and efficient data transfer.Sensors and devices that require frequent data updates and minimal data payload.
AMQPA protocol that is commonly used for message-oriented middleware, with support for point-to-point and publish-subscribe communication.IoT systems that require advanced messaging and routing capabilities.
CoAPA protocol that is specifically designed for constrained IoT devices and networks, with low overhead and efficient data transfer.Low-power, low-bandwidth IoT devices and networks.
MQTT-SNA variant of MQTT that is specifically designed for use in wireless sensor networks.Wireless sensor networks that require efficient and reliable data transfer.
ZigbeeA protocol that is commonly used in home automation and IoT applications, with support for mesh networking and low-power operation.IoT devices and systems that require low-power operation and mesh networking capabilities.
HTTPA protocol that is commonly used for communication between web servers and clients, with support for request-response communication.IoT devices and systems that require communication with web servers or other HTTP-based services.
Comparison of IoT protocol based on use case


In conclusion, MQTT, AMQP, CoAP, MQTT-SN, Zigbee, and HTTP are all commonly used IoT protocols in the IoT ecosystem. Each protocol has its own unique strengths and use cases, making them suitable for different types of IoT applications and devices.

MQTT is a lightweight publish-subscribe protocol that is commonly used in IoT devices due to its low overhead and efficient data transfer.

AMQP is a protocol that is commonly used for message-oriented middleware, with support for point-to-point and publish-subscribe communication.

CoAP is a protocol that is specifically designed for constrained IoT devices and networks, with low overhead and efficient data transfer.

MQTT-SN is a variant of MQTT that is specifically designed for use in wireless sensor networks.

Zigbee is a protocol that is commonly used in home automation and IoT applications, with support for mesh networking and low-power operation.

HTTP is a protocol that is commonly used for communication between web servers and clients, with support for request-response communication.

Overall, these protocols provide a range of options for implementing efficient and reliable communication in IoT systems.

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